“Go Solar” With Solar Panel Installation in Searcy, AR

Unlock the power of the sun and cut down on your energy bills with SunTek Solar Energy. As the trusted solar panel installation company in the Searcy, Arkansas, area, we offer solar solutions that harness renewable energy and help you save money, even in the face of rising energy costs.

Choose From a Variety of Solar Power Panels

Every homeowner has unique needs when it comes to solar power panels. It’s why, at SunTek Solar Energy, we offer several options from leading manufacturers. We’ll also take time to evaluate your property and recommend the right-fit solution.

Our solar panel systems include:

Grid-Tied Panels

Reduce your reliance on traditional energy sources and maximize your savings by selling 80% of surplus energy back to your utility company.

Ground-Mounted Systems

Not every roof receives enough sun for solar panel installation. In these cases, we can install ground-mounted systems in places on your property with optimal sunlight.

Off-Grid, Independent Systems

Perfect for rural areas, these off-grid systems provide freedom from the grid. They are completely off-grid and mean you won’t be impacted by large power outages.

Enjoy the Benefits of SunTek Solar Power Panels

Take advantage of the savings and sustainability that comes with solar panel installation. You can significantly reduce your dependence on traditional power sources, meaning lower energy bills. You’ll also cut down on your carbon footprint.

Additionally, with our team, we make the process simple for you. We only offer top-rated panels, along with honest answers and straightforward recommendations. Our solar panel installers are also highly experienced and will install your system with care and precision.

Ready for a Free Quote on Solar Panel Installation?

SunTek Solar Energy is a call away for residents in Searcy, AR, and nearby areas. Contact us and let our team explain more about our solar panel installation process and our discounts, rebates, and financing!